August 18

Case Study: Jobs Australia Conference

The theme for the 2024 Jobs Australia Conference was Innovating for Impact, and the collaborative spirit in the room at the JW Marriott was high. 

We were there on the Gold Coast to photograph and film the hundreds of delegates, exhibitors and keynote speakers throughout the two-day conference. 

The brief 

This conference was dedicated to exploring how change, when embraced, could lead to significant positive impacts. It aimed to equip delegates with practical tools and strategies to transform communities and make a lasting difference, as well as supply a healthy dose of inspiration and motivation. 

Along with photography, our main deliverable was to produce a conference showreel for the client’s website that would “give people FOMO” – challenge accepted! 

two people taking selfie at conference
group of people toasting drinks at their table

Adding the “hype” to event hype reels 

The main purpose of the hype reel is right there in its name; it’s to hype people up, get them excited about an event, and motivate them to anticipate and book into the next one. 

The client was clear on not wanting any staged or standard corporate photography and video, which perfectly suits our natural style. We add our own spin to event hype reels by discreetly engaging with attendees and exhibitors throughout the event, making it more fun, engaging and allowing people’s personalities to shine through – it’s all about connection at the end of the day. 

Along with interactions, we record on-the-spot interviews with key stakeholders and attendees, along with rolling footage to capture the energy in the room, giving us everything we need to create a dynamic, fast-paced hype reel. 

two women smiling at their table, looking off camera
woman in red blazer speaking into mic

The results 

We delivered a suite of vibrant, professionally edited images to our client, along with the main hype reel and some shorter edits, which would be used to promote next year’s event on social media. 

It was a pleasure to work with Jobs Australia on such an exciting brief; the client’s comment on their event page summarises it best: 

“This highlight reel beautifully captures the meaningful connections and shared experiences that we all cultivated at this year's conference. It serves as a vivid reminder of the collaborative spirit and the inspiring moments that brought us together, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.” 

Watch the full video above. 

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Event Video, Photography, Video Production

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