Corporate TV
Firstly, what is Corporate TV? It’s a product we created to cater for the ongoing communication needs of businesses that have a hybrid or fully remote workforce, or members across various physical locations, for example.
Essentially, we create your company’s own TV show, where each episode includes the content that you want to communicate for that month or quarter, neatly edited and packaged up into a visually entertaining and engaging piece of content that’s easily digestible for viewers.
We’ll work with your team to plan and produce each episode, tailoring the content and style to your specific needs. Some examples of the kinds of content that can be included are:
Say goodbye to awkward company updates or stand ups via Zoom or Teams, and say hello to your new and innovative communication tool, Corporate TV.
Why Choose Corporate TV
There are many reasons why companies choose to use Corporate TV. While it’s often created for internal use, it can also be used for engagement and communication with stakeholders.
Episodes are usually produced on a regular basis, such as monthly or quarterly, and content can include anything from timely updates on your business, projects or industry, to a focus on an individual topic each episode.
Let’s face it, listening to someone simply talk from their desks through a video call isn’t enough to maintain attention or engagement. Instead, businesses are taking initiative and elevating their virtual communications to the next level.
What Services Are Included
Our team has the creative expertise and tech know-how to provide end-to-end services, so the final outcome is professional and polished. Our services include:
Remember, our job is to make yours as easy as possible!
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